A double upgrade offer for Family Tree Maker.
Get FTM 2019 for $89.95 now, and FTM 2024 for FREE when it's released.
FTM 2019 now. FTM 2024 later. UPGRADE NOW
It's been 35 years since Family Tree Maker was born and it's only fitting that we introduced a new edition that takes this grand old brand to places its original creators could only have dreamed of. Where every change you make to your tree on your Mac or PC can be instantly and automatically viewed from any smartphone or tablet. Where you can turn back time to erase mistakes you made even a thousand changes ago. Where you can arrange for your tree to be passed on to a relative of your choice along with your Family Tree Maker license to ensure your legacy lives on.
Family Tree Maker
We are a company that provides technical services over the internet. We have no affiliation with MacKiev or any other brand. We only offer technical support of Family Tree Maker Software. The usage of third-party trademarks, brand names, products, and services is solely for the purpose of referencing them. You can also ask our customer service to give you any brand’s contact information in case you need to contact them. For the time being, this section is closed. Keep an eye out for updates on the family tree software. Family Tree Maker Help
Family Tree Maker 2019 is a geological program that allows you to create a family tree. Mackiev owns the FTM 2019 program, which is an update of the previous version. Ancestry was the first to develop the family tree maker program, and in 2016, Ancestry sold the product’s copyright to Mackiev.
The fact that Family Tree Maker 2019 comes with a large range of tools and features, as well as simple navigation and web search capabilities, helps it stand out among other genealogical software.
Our Services

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If you are unable to call or chat with us, so you can also choose remote support. Our technician will take your remote and resolve your issues
Family Tree Maker 2019
How to download family tree maker 2019 (features, system requirements, upgrade and install family tree maker 2019 software)
Family Tree Maker 2019 is a geological program that allows you to create a family tree. Mackiev owns the FTM 2019 program, which is an update of the previous version. Ancestry was the first to develop the family tree maker program, and in 2016, Ancestry sold the product’s copyright to Mackiev.
The fact that Family Tree Maker 2019 comes with a large range of tools and features, as well as simple navigation and web search capabilities, helps it stand out among other genealogical software.
Frequently Asked Questions
Software MacKiev is delighted to be publishing the most widely used and most beloved family tree software of all time.